Today, we commemorate World Kobani Day, a day that embodies resilience, sacrifice, and the unyieldin...

On August 3, 2014, the Yazidi community in Shengal faced a massacre by ISIS. As we commemorate the 1...

On behalf of the General Command of the People’s Defense Units (YPG), we proudly and joyfully celebr...

We salute you with our belief that building a free society is possible through the forefront of wo...

To the media and public opinionIn this important and meaningful day, which marks the first of Novem...

In pictures: Deir al-Zour frontline against ISIS

Demhat is now a candlelight in the Rojava Revolution illuminated by martyrs

British, American, Spanish, Estonian, Greek, Italian, Swiss… they are all flower buds blooming in the lake of blood that makes Rojava what it is. Whichever internationalist fi...

July 19th Revolution: a start toward a federal, democratic Syria

The July 19th Revolution, whose spark started in Kobanî [Kobanê] in 2012, soon echoing in the region and the world, has achieved considerable victories on the military, politi...

When Female Fighters Lead the Charge

The first battle in northern Syria, which has a Kurdish majority and lies along the Turkish border, broke out in 2012 when several armed opposition groups crossed the border a...